On allocated land we bring together all planning requirements to include necessary appraisals, reports and plans to achieve the best possible use of the land from single plots to large housing estates.
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Erection of 6 Dwellings. The approved scheme proposed the erection of 6 dwellings on a site area of 0.17 hectares of land with 2 parking spaces per dwelling. VIEW PROJECT
Residential development of up to 22 dwellings including provision of Community Woodland. The indicative Site Plan for this granted outline planning application shows how the site could be developed. VIEW PROJECT
Erection of 4 dwellings with associated access, parking and garden areas to include widening of lane The site is approximately 0.34 hectares and a low density scheme of 4 dwellings was proposed to reflect the context of the adjacent dwellings. Each of the houses along the lane is set within a large plot and fronts VIEW PROJECT
An approved development of 12 mixed house types and sizes designed to enhance the character and setting of the Conservation Area and nearby Listed Buildings. VIEW PROJECT