The Partnership is made up of David Owen who has his own Architectural Practice in Whitchurch and Nigel Thorns who has a Planning Consultancy Business based in Shrewsbury.
We decided to set up a separate company which deals with very specific development projects on a ‘no win no fee’ service to land owners. We deal with both planning applications and land issues through the Local Development Framework process.
We normally assist where the owners/applicants have not got the funds to progress schemes themselves, or where they have received refusals of planning permission in the past and are reluctant to invest more funding in a project which does not have the support of the Council.
We undertake all of the planning and architectural work ourselves and then pay for additional consultants and fees as part of the planning application submission including:
- Topographical Survey
- Protected Species Survey
- Archaeological Report
- Highway Consultants Report
- Historic Building Assessment
- The planning application fee
Aside from the initial cost savings there are also significant benefits to all land owners in coming to us as we do not insist on agreeing land values up front.
Essentially we obtain the best possible planning permission we can, and then sell the land on the open market to the highest bidder. This has a far greater potential of allowing a competitive market to push up the value of the land and so increase returns for the landowner.
From a landowners viewpoint the key issues are that:
1. We can solve problems where others have failed;
2. On the basis of a no win no fee project, we are very determined in our desire to get a planning permission, and also obtain a planning permission which achieves the best ‘sale value’ for the site (as our fee depends upon it);
3. The land is sold to the highest bidder with planning permission;
If you wish to meet us to discuss any potential Fieldcrest Associates projects we would be pleased to arrange a meeting at your convenience.
Please contact Nigel Thorns on (01743) 343660 or David Owen on (01948) 663004
Nigel Thorns
BSc(Hons), DipTP, MRTPI
Chartered Town Planner
Nigel obtained his professional qualifications at what is now Birmingham City University between 1983 and 1987.
He worked in Local Authority for 16 years before forming Nigel Thorns Planning Consultancy Ltd in Shrewsbury providing specialist advice on all aspects of the planning process.
He has extensive planning and development experience and an excellent reputation for advice, negotiation and results.
David Owen
C.Build E. FCABE.
David is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers with a background in both Civil Engineering and Building.
He worked in the Local Authority, spending five years in the County Highways Department before moving to Building Control. After seventeen years he left the Local Authority to found the business, initially trading as David Owen Associates and recently re-branded to Shenton Owen Planning & Design.